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    Part I Reading Comprehension

    01—05 CCBAB

    06—10 DACAA

    11—15 BDABA

    16—20 DACAB

    Part II Vocabulary and Structure

    21—25 CDBAA

    26—30 BDADA

    31—35 CABDB

    36—40 BBBCA

    41—45 BBABC

    46—50 DCDBA

    51—55 DBCCD

    56—60 BAAAB

    Part III Cloze

    61—65 BCDAC

    66—70 DCCBD

    71—75 CAADB

    76—80 ACDDB

    Part IV Translation

    Section A

    1. 每小时仅仅30英里的行车速度也就相当于物体从三楼下落的速度了。

    2. 既然涅昂2000已经下线,她的研究组将利用调查的结果来决定哪些选择最能为消费者服务,如果需要的话,需要做哪些改进。

    3. 在周末,我们长时间地呆在一起,熬到深夜,谈论和她来往的那些人。

    4. 这非常让人感到沮丧,我几次在周末的时候都快说出口了,想告诉她也许我们越来越不一样了,我们的友谊很难再继续下去了。但我没这样做。

    5. 冲突是一种组织性的现实;它本身并不存在好与坏。冲突可以是破坏性的,但它也能在人的自身及人与人之间起到推动作用。

    Section B

    1. A little more care could have prevented such an accident.

    2. If / As long as you keep on trying, you will be able to resolve this difficult problem sooner or later.

    3. Children need encouragement. Too much criticism can only set back their mental development.

    4. Many Americans prefer to travel by car rather than by any other means of transportation.

    5. The classroom was almost empty; all but one student had finished the exam and left.


    Part V Writing

    The Effects of Advertisement

    As one of the products of our modern society, advertisement has filled almost every corner of the world. We are exposed to them anywhere and anytime. When we listen to the radio or watch TV, the programs are broken up by advertisements that flash on every five or ten minutes. Walking in the street, we find we are confronted with endless ad bulletins. Every evening, especially weekend evenings, we find our mailboxes full of ad leaflets. With their tremendous power and attractiveness, advertisements have become a part of our life.

    Every coin has two sides, so does advertisement. Advertisement exerts both positive and negative effects upon us. In order to promote trade, business people engage in making their products known to the public in the most attractive ways so that potential customers find it easier to choose what they are to purchase when faced with shelves of goods in the supermarkets. However, advertisements are not always reliable, as some dishonest businessmen exaggerate the functions and qualities of their products. Customers may be misled and deceived. Such is often the case, and it does harm the interests of the customers.

    Thus, when confronted with an advertisement, we have to be very cautious so as not to be taken in by the appealing words and pictures in it. We should remember that advertisements are good at playing with words. What customers should do is to ask about the product and try it, if possible, before purchasing it.




    Part I Reading Comprehension

    01—05 CCCDA

    06—10 CBBDA

    11—15 DBCAA

    16—20 BDBDA

    Part II Vocabulary and Structure

    21—25 CBDAB

    26—30 DCAAC

    31—35 CDBDC

    36—40 CACDD

    41—45 CCDBD

    46—50 CDCDB

    51—55 ABACC

    56—60 AACCD

    Part III Cloze

    61—65 ADDBB

    66—70 CABCA

    71—75 BBCBC

    76—80 BBBCD

    Part IV Translation

    Section A

    1. 在最重要的运河中,有两条叫拉其尼和威兰德运河,它们分别于1825年和1829年开通。

    2. 这表示,含有成百万分子的液体气泡在液体表面下形成。

    3. 我们距海平面越高,大气压就越低,因为我们周围的空气越少。

    4. 城市环境应该提供尽可能多的娱乐活动,而且这些活动应该设计成让强制性活动也带有娱乐色彩。

    5. 这却是出现在生物实验室中,因为这是在试管中特意培养农作物的遗传基因。

    Section B

    1. The perseverance, intelligence and good spirit which Mr. Smith has are the most valuable to a man.

    2. Any equipment which is damaged because of the manufactures fault should be repaired or replaced by the manufacturer.

    3. Great attention should be paid to the study of human brain.

    4. Then the child has, as it were, private lessons all the year round, while an adult language student has each week a limited number of hours.

    5. How soon the Chinese economy becomes number one depends on whether, or how long, it can keep up its extraordinary growth.



    Part I Reading Comprehension

    01—05 CADCC

    06—10 DDDCC

    11—15 AAACB

    16—20 ACDBD

    Part II Vocabulary and Structure

    21—25 CABDD

    26—30 BBCCB

    31—35 CCDBB

    36—40 BCCBC

    41—45 CCCDA

    46—50 CBCCD

    51—55 ACBAD

    56—60 CACDA

    Part III Cloze

    61—65 ACBCA

    66—70 BBDCA

    71—75 AADAB

    76—80 CBDCB

    Part IV Translation

    Section A

    1. 有很多人担心,显示器终端设备(VDTs) 可能会危及使用者的健康。

    2. 有研究表明,妇女若在怀孕初期接触VDTs,那么出现突然流产的可能性比其他妇女要大。

    3. 对于警察所提供的2400多个城镇的犯罪记录进行了历时5年的研究,结果表明季节变化和犯罪模式间有着惊人的联系。

    4. 因此这些因素相互作用,或减少或增加(月球的)引力,以此增加或减少潮水的重量(从而形成潮起潮落现象)。

    5. 最后一点是,许多著名球员的生活环境相同,即都来自于贫穷、拥挤的生活社区,那里男孩的梦想并不是成为医生、律师或是商人,而是成为富有的名运动员或是娱乐界人士。

    Section B

    1. So long as you work hard, you are surely to find a decent job after graduation.

    2. They were talking heatedly as if they had been good friends for many years.

    3. So far as ability is concerned, Tom is the right person for the job.

    4. During the break she told me a lot of things, some of which were more than people could believe.

    5. No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to the other.




    Part I Reading Comprehension

    01—05 CADAB

    06—10 BBADA

    11—15 BBDCA

    16—20 CDCAD

    Part II Vocabulary and Structure

    21—25 DBDBC

    26—30 BBADB

    31—35 CDDCA

    36—40 DCDCC

    41—45 CABBC

    46—50 ABBAC

    51—55 CABCD

    56—60 DBBCC

    Part III Cloze

    61—65 CABBA

    66—70 CDCDC

    71—75 CDBBA

    76—80 DCBAC

    Part IV Translation

    Section A

    1. 这个人造海港内部的水是恨平静的。

    2. 居住在这个城市里的人们能够乘坐有电力驱动的小船出行,这样就不会有由于燃烧汽油而产生的空气污染。

    3. 来自全国各地人们的努力显示,新技术如果应用合适的话,也许有一天能够把这些数百万吨的垃圾变成能被重新使用的原材料的来源。

    4. 如果你意识到自己正在生气,那就闭上嘴,这样你就能够抑制住正在不断上升的怒气。

    5. 尽管在这期间公司雇佣了一些美国最为优秀的艺术家,艺术上的卓越绝不会被算作该公司的真正目标之一。

    Section B

    1. If it hadnt been for him, we would have lost the game.

    2. Well try to finish the work in time although we are short of manpower.

    3. We are looking forward to the day when we will meet again.

    4. He will do anything as long as it is interesting.

    5. They must stay in water, or they will die.




    Part I Reading Comprehension

    01—05 BDBDD

    06—10 CDADB

    11—15 DCBAD

    16—20 DCDCB

    Part II Vocabulary and Structure

    21—25 ABAAB

    26—30 DACBB

    31—35 CADCB

    36—40 BADBC

    41—45 BBABA

    46—50 AAACB

    51—55 ACCBB

    56—60 BCCDA

    Part III Cloze

    61—65 CBADB

    66—70 DCDAD

    71—75 BAACB

    76—80 ABBAB

    Part IV Translation

    Section A

    1. 与此同时,面巾纸的质量在不断提高,这是因为有更多的生产商开始从事面巾纸的生产,而每个厂家都力争使自己的产品优于其他竞争对手。

    2. 这就意味着现在的老人能在属于自己的俱乐部和各种组织内,享有较好的社交生活。

    3. 许多想规避国内经济和/或政治压力的企业发现,美国可以为他们在这里提供一个稳定的政治环境。

    4. 即便美国政府进一步采取了限制进口的政策,或是重要价格因货币的波动发生了变化,很多人还是希望能继续把产品销往美国市场。

    5. 美国科学家得出了这样的结论,尽管每天进行锻炼对身体有利,但隔天或是一周三天进行锻炼,也足以使我们能够保持身体健康。

    Section B

    1. It is not what you say but what you do that really counts.

    2. The doctor suggested he do some jogging every day, for it would help him to bring back his strength.

    3. Playing football not only makes us strong but also gives us a sense of team spirit.

    4. Even if I could not go with you, I would ask someone else to pick you up tomorrow morning.

    5. It is generally considered unwise to give a child whatever he or she wants.




    Part I Reading Comprehension

    01—05 CCABB

    06—10 CDABD

    11—15 ACCDD

    16—20 ADBCB

    Part II Vocabulary and Structure

    21—25 BADDD

    26—30 CDCBB

    31—35 ACCDB

    36—40 ADCBC

    41—45 BAADA

    46—50 CABBC

    51—55 CACDC

    56—60 DADDC

    Part III Cloze

    61—65 BCACC

    66—70 BACBD

    71—75 BCBDA

    76—80 DBCDB

    Part IV Translation

    Section A

    1. 两个人之间的血缘关系越近,他们的智力水平可能就越接近。

    2. 还有一个事实也可以证实这样的结论,那就是,两个毫不相干却在生活中关系密切的人,他们的智力水平可能也会相似。

    3. 他认为同居能够给Candice 和自己提供一个机会来了解双方适应对方的情感和生活方式的程度如何。

    4. 它(一般的文艺作品)可能会让我们一时忘却自己的烦恼,但它却不会给予我们那种只有在欣赏了充满活力而又有条不紊的设计后才能感受到的丰富的精神体验。

    5. 淫威羞涩总是和自卑相伴相随,重要的是我们在接受自己缺点的同时也要认识到自己的优点。

    Section B

    1. 她刚要开始唱歌,观众就开始鼓掌和大声的欢呼,她只得停下来,并向他们鞠躬。

    No sooner had she begun to sing than the audience began to applaud and cheer so loudly that she stopped and bowed.

    2. 许多教育家认为现在孩子的作业太多,以致他们没有足够的时间来培养其他方面的兴趣爱好。

    Many educators think that children now have so much homework that they don’t have enough time to develop their interest in other subjects.

    3. 无论发生什么事,我们都决心要走完这段路程。

    We are determined to finish the journey, whatever happens.

    4. 尽管火箭看起来庞大复杂,其实只是个相当简单的装置。

    Impressive and complex as it may appear, the rocket is a relatively simple device.

    5. 这些文章除了有一些拼写错误之外,总的来说写得不错。

    Generally speaking the article is well-written except for some spelling mistakes.



    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I noticed your advertisement for the services of a clerk in the newspaper. I hereby wish to apply for the position, feeling confident that I’m qualified to fill it to your satisfaction.

    I’m 22 years old, and shall graduate this summer from the School ofSoutheast University. I have a good knowledge of computer. Besides, I am skilled in English. I worked in a company as a clerk. So I feel that I would be a competent clerk in your company.

    Should my application be regarded favorably, I would appreciate your kindness and confidence in me. I hope to have an opportunity for an interview at a time convenient for you. Thank you for your consideration of my application.

                                                           Yours faithfully,

                                                                   Li Ming



    Part I Reading Comprehension

    01—05 AABAA

    06—10 ADBDB

    11—15 BABCD

    16—20 ABACD

    Part II Vocabulary and Structure

    21—25 DDABA

    26—30 CBBCC

    31—35 ABABD

    36—40 DBACD

    41—45 ACDAA

    46—50 BCABA

    51—55 BADCD

    56—60 CDBAC

    Part III Cloze

    61—65 ADBBC

    66—70 DCCBA

    71—75 DACDA

    76—80 DBBCA

    Part IV Translation

    Section A

    1. 你可能走进店里只是为了躲避一场突如其来的阵雨。

    2. 曾经有一个医科学生必须阅读一本教材,然而那本书太贵他买不起。

    3. 当这些脉冲被输入到接收器(电视机)后,就会通过电子设备重新被改造为相同的图像。

    4. 就英国而言,很有可能这场关于公寓和单幢住宅的争论还会长期激烈地继续进行下去。

    5. 从细菌的角度看世界与从人类的角度看世界完全不同。

    Section B

    1. Ill let you know as soon as it is arranged.

    2. There isnt such a word in English so far as I know.

    3. He didnt plan his time well, so that he didnt finish the work in time.

    4. I could have done better if I had been more careful.

    5. Thats exactly what I am planning to do.




    Part I Reading Comprehension

    01—05 ABCDC

    06—10 CBADA

    11—15 DBCCB

    16—20 DACAB

    Part II Vocabulary and Structure

    21—25 DBDAD

    26—30 DCADB

    31—35 DCBDA

    36—40 BABCD

    41—45 CABDB

    46—50 BCADA

    51—55 ABDBC

    56—60 BDCAB

    Part III Cloze

    61—65 CBCDA

    66—70 BBADA

    71—75 DACBB

    76—80 ACDDC

    Part IV Translation

    Section A

    1. 因为制造0.5千克肉类蛋白质需要4千克谷物蛋白质。

    2. 他们说,一个人不可能星期天待在家里不去教堂而整个镇子的人不知道。

    3. 在投入使用的最初二十年里,从纽约到利物浦的平均时间为23天,而再返回到纽约的平均时间为40天。

    4. 你有没有发现,早上起床很难,甚至痛苦?

    5. 当夫妇双方意识到这些精力周期意味着什么, 每个家庭成员处于什么周期时,很多家庭争吵就停止了。

    Section B

    1. It was found that no waterfall known in Europe could compare with Niagara.

    2. He described it as a very agreeable situation located within two small hills, in the midst of which flowed a great river.

    3. I dont know if there is one boy in a thousand, maybe two thousand, who can do it the way it has to be done.

    4. He searched through the several medical books which he had with him and decided to have a try.

    5. There we saw the athletes, some of them of international fame, and we marveled at their feats of grace and strength.




    Part I Reading Comprehension

    01—05 DACCD

    06—10 DDACB

    11—15 CDBAD

    16—20 DABCC

    Part II Vocabulary and Structure

    21—25 BACCA

    26—30 CDBDC

    31—35 BCCCA

    36—40 CAABC

    41—45 DDDCA

    46—50 CBCCB

    51—55 ADBCD

    56—60 DCBBB

    Part III Cloze

    61—65 ACDAC

    66—70 DABCB

    71—75 ABDAA

    76—80 BCABD

    Part IV Translation

    Section A

    1. 我们所有人都生活在一艘小的宇宙飞船上。它所携带的能维持人类生存的资源非常有限。

    2. 世界人口增长速度太快了,以至于到了2050年将会由70亿人生活在地球上。

    3. 这意味着,我们必须先从心理学的角度去理解一种行为的发生原因,然后才能理解有哪些生理活动使得该行为发生。

    4. 大多数亚裔美国学生要讲他们的成就归功于他们的父母,因为父母决定了他们的孩子一定要充分利用美国教育制度所能提供的教育资源。

    5. 如果你了解发生了什么并且知道如何处理汽车突发事件,你就可以节省时间、金钱,还可以省去担心,甚至可以挽救生命。

    Section B

    1. He was so angry that he could not speak.

    2. As long as we dont lose heart, well find a way to overcome the difficulty.

    3. If I had left a little earlier, I would have caught the train.

    4. Ill take my raincoat in case it rains.

    5. She says shell follow him no matter where he goes.




    Part I Reading Comprehension

    01—05 ADDDB

    06—10 ADCBD

    11—15 DDACC

    16—20 CBCAD

    Part II Vocabulary and Structure

    21—25 DDAAA

    26—30 CABCD

    31—35 CBCAA

    36—40 CBBDC

    41—45 CCCDA

    46—50 BBDCA

    51—55 ABCCA

    56—60 DABAC

    Part III Cloze

    61—65 BACBA

    66—70 BBCDA

    71—75 ACCAB

    76—80 AACAB

    Part IV Translation

    Section A

    1. 我们中有十分之一是左撇子,他们不得不面对大多数右撇子而设计的世界。

    2. 也许最让人迷惑不解的并不是有些人是左撇子,而是为什么他们的人数这么少。

    3. 因为心脏病仍然是美国的第一号杀手,研究人员越来越热衷于找出引发心脏病的潜在危险因素。

    4. 现今,美国的公司总裁大多数是些年轻人,他们在开始他们的事业之前受过工程学或商业管理学方面的教育。

    5. 变换时间,无非是刻意地制造浪费。

    Section B

    1. They take great pains to make their lessons easy and interesting.

    2. They should be severely criticized for their production plan which was not completed in time.

    3. We will not send a manned spacecraft to any heavenly body until all the necessary information about it is obtained.

    4. Most of the work that is meaningful and that most people have to do is not in itself interesting.

    5. Contrary to public opinion, in most cases our nations welfare agencies do not promote the welfare of those who have had the misfortune to be in need of its services.





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